What is Web Time Entry?
The Banner Web Time and Leave Entry System is a web-based system designed to enable employees to submit hours worked and leave taken electronically, eliminating the paper submission of time sheets, time and attendance forms, leave activity forms, and leave reports. Old Dominion University follows a semi-monthly payroll schedule for paying all employees, including hourly types of employees.
- It is a violation of the ODU Standards of Conduct to falsify, alter or deliberately fail to submit a Web Time Entry timesheet.
- Classified employees, hourly wage employees, and student hourly wage employees (including Work Study employees) must submit a WTE timesheet each pay period in order to be paid on time.
- Faculty who must report leave taken must submit Leave Reports via Web Time Entry per the Leave Reports submission schedule.
- Part-time adjunct faculty, graduate assistants, 10-month faculty not on VSDP, and 12-month faculty not eligible for annual leave are not affected by Web Time Entry.

Supervisors and proxies approving time worked or leave taken for their employees require additional security.

Find the submission deadlines for Banner Self Service, including timesheet and faculty leave report deadlines.

Find Web Time Entry guides & training videos, designed to for all employees including Classified, Exempt, Non-Exempt, Hourly, & Student Hourly staff.

Find a Timesheet Approval Process guide, designed to assist supervisors and proxies with the Web Time Entry (WTE) system.

Find solutions for manual timesheet submission, corrections, and late procedures with our Excel forms for hourly, classified and bi-weekly roles.

Learn about the responsibilities you have as a supervisor approving timesheets, including establishing a proxy and their role.

Correct late timesheets with our guide on timesheet corrections. Learn to notify and make necessary adjustments